Tuesday, November 19, 2013

a few quick updates

Seizure Free! Swallowing Well!

A few weeks ago we spent the night over at Dell Children's in Austin for a 24 hour EEG to check if some of Dommy's sleep irregularities were actually seizure activity. On one hand this could be considered kind of a pain in the butt because we had one of those terrible fold out hospital beds to sleep on and we had people checking on us every few hours (dommy had a lovely crib).

On the other hand: HOSPITAL FOOD! I mean that in a good way. We love hospital food, in fact when D was pregnant with both gommy and tooters we used to schedule our OB appointments for first thing in the morning so we could get them done and go get hospital breakfast. I mean we're talking bacon, eggs, and fruit for like 4 bucks. Helluva deal.

Anyhoo, the fantastic news about all of this is Gommy is 100% seizure free! His EEG showed some slowing (which is not surprising) but no seizures, which is just about the best news ever because they scare the absolute crap out of me. But for now we are free and clear!

The second part of that appointment was a swallow study. A lot of kids with PMG have feeding issues, in that they aspirate their food (take it into their lungs). So a swallow study for Gommy was in order. We mixed up some barium with his food and watched him take it in through an x-ray--absolutely fascinating. Long story short, Gommy has slight issues swallowing but nothing therapy cant help. I've long thought through this process that I dont care how much therapy we have to do...we'll do it. We're blessed that there are no physiological issues.


Gommy is a little over a year old now, and man his personality quirks are starting to show through. He is the sweetest, most loving baby that you'll ever see...

But dont make him angry. You wont like him when he's angry.

Surefire ways to make him angry? Dont include him in roughhousing with his older brother. He lets out a bloodcurdling shriek that is in no ways said...rather it is an immediate command to cease what you are doing and focus your attention on including him. And truthfully I dont think it has anything to do with attention from Dad. I think it's all about attention from big brother.

Another way to make him mad is by making him wait. If he wants his food he wants it right then.  If he wants a toy, he wants it right then. And it's not sad yelling (except if a toy he was playing with fell on the floor). No, Gommy commands. Gommy demands.

(and I'm ok with it all)


Last thing is wrestling. And I'm talking full on wrestling between our boys. Everyday, Tooters will ask us to put Gommy on the floor and an all out brawl breaks out (well not really). Tooters will roll on top of him, and Gommy will roll back, Tooters will put his foot in Gommy's face, Gommy will do his best to eat his brother's face. It's all in very slow motion, and occasionally Gommy gets the best of Tooters and we'll hear "GOMMY KICKED ME" which again I'm ok with. These boys love to wrestle each other...and for being as tight as he can be sometimes Gommy certainly holds his own.

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