Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Growing Up

Yesterday was a huge day in our house. Mommy had been working with Gommy for a year on eating solid foods (one of the side issues related to PMG we are dealing with is a hyperactive gag reflex...dinner time typically involves a lot of throwing up). We'd tried puffs, chunkier applesauce...everything you could think of, and really nothing ever worked. It would all end up with a couple of bites and then a lot of throw up (followed by Gommy smiles and giggles).

Sunday, Danielle gave Gommy tiny slices of apple, which he willingly took...he didnt really eat them consistently, but he put them in his mouth and kept them there for a while and didnt throw up. So yesterday, we took some advice from our OT and gave Gommy a bit of spaghetti.

Which he ate. Willingly. And actually enjoyed it. With minimal spit up.

I cant even tell you how much of an accomplishment this is for him and for us. Both on a physical (the simply physiology of eating) level, and an emotional one. Both D and I have wondered whether he could do it. Whether he'd be relegated to a life of just eating purees. And yesterday proved that he actually could do it. Mommy cried. Daddy fist bumped. Tooties danced. and Gommy laughed and cooed.

Combine this with Gommy standing up much more (with support), and we're coming to the realization that our guy is growing up, which leaves me melancholy. Both D and I would have all the babies in the world if we could. Sleepless nights aside, there is nothing better than babies. And maybe God knew that and blessed us with a guy that we could hold and cuddle like a baby just a bit longer than most (Tooties is too quick for me now). But now even Gommy is growing up out of that baby phase...isnt that the conundrum of parenting? On one hand you do everything you can to help them grow up, but then on the other you're secretly wanting them to stay little for rest of their lives.

Ah well. No need to get too emotional.

Back to the point. Gommy ate spaghetti yesterday for the first time. He enjoyed it. Yesterday was a fantastic day.

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