Thursday, April 4, 2013

started from the bottom now we here

warning: i've been listening to a lot of rap lately, and the following post might reflect it.

Dear PMG,

F*** you.

And i dont mean that in an mean way, i dont mean that in an angry way, i mean that in a dismissive way. I mean that in an openly defiant way. I mean that in a way to say that although i might not be done with you, I will no longer be shrouded in a cloud of sadness and uncertainty because of you.

F*** you.

For the past week you've robbed my family of our normal light hearted, care free attitude towards parenting that sometimes borders on negligent (2 year old wants cheetos for dinner? #YOLO!). we've been down. we've been reading. we've been obsessed. we've been frustrated that no one, including brilliant doctors can give us answers about what you are about and what you might do. We've been as down as we've ever been. But as of 6:35 on Wednesday, April 3 2013, twisty and poppa decided to be happy. we decided to be happy not inspite of what's going on, but to take joy in our lives. if you, PMG, are to be a part of our world, that's fine. but you will not make us sad. you will not rob us of the joy of raising two beautiful children. we will not worry about tomorrow, and instead we will rejoice in today.

F*** you. We're in charge.

My beautiful gommy agrees with this new sentiment...and perhaps he was the first to raise his middle finger at you. Over and over again we've been told that his activities, his spirit, his nature does not line up with what folks who have to deal with you are doing. My son is overcoming you on a daily basis. You have not brought him down, and now it's time for mom and dad to follow suit.

Does this mean we will not get sad? No. There will still be up days and down days, but you will not and i repeat WILL NOT take over all of the mental and emotional energy that twisty and poppa have. We refuse. We will conquer you with an indomitable spirit. We will work around you. We will work through you. But more than anything, we refuse to accept the notion we should be sad because of you. No longer. We gave you a week. That's all you get.

F*** you.

This is a marathon and not a sprint. We are geared up. We are fired up. We are focused and committed to loving our children more, and being happy...and instilling that sense of joy about all of God's gifts in our kids. Nothing, not even you, can stop that.

In the song "a milli" lil wayne says "ok you a goon...but what's a goon to a goblin". basically saying sure you're a goon. you're a bad intimidating guy. but that's nothing to who i am. goons should be afraid of goblins.

So i say the same to you PMG. a goon. but what's a goon to a goblin?

Twisty, Poppa, Gommy, and Tooties are all goblins. Bring it. We in this thing now.

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