Thursday, September 5, 2013

Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh

A few days ago our blog went viral.  Although I started this blog to bring some type of awareness or even just humanity to our situation and others like ours, I never actually thought I would reach people on a larger scale.  I guess God had other plans.  I realize most people viewed our blog because they were interested in Johnny and not Dominic, but I hope that some of you will stick around and enjoy his journey with us.

Dominic is still too young for me to explain to him how, for one day, he was a celebrity in his own right, and he had the whole world (ok maybe not the whole world, but it kinda felt that way) rooting for him.  But I have always said that my Gominic is extremely intelligent and off the charts socially.  At this age, he should not even be ready to play next to others, but he has already started trying to play with them.  He amazes me every day.

Somehow on the day that everyone was reading his story, I think he knew.  I think he knew that the world was rooting for him, and I think he knew that they were watching. He started playing peek-a-boo.  And I am not talking about laughing at us playing peek-a-boo; he legitimately started pulling a blanket over his face, then jerking it down quickly and laughing uncontrollably.  Then he started rolling across his mat to get to toys.  He would roll from back to tummy and back again.  You could just tell on his face that he was practicing.  Then he started trying harder to come into the sitting position from lying (it will be a long time before he has the ability to do this, but he keeps trying just the same).  You could just see the extra determination on his face.  Then he started taking steps in his walker (he has always had trouble moving his legs independent of each other).  And no, this is not a legitimate medical walker, and maybe I am a terrible mom for ignoring all the medical warnings to not let your kid use a walker.  When your kid is special needs though, you just kind of throw all advice out the window.

But I think he knew.  If I could read his mind, I think that he was thinking, "Alright, you guys want a story, I'll give you a story".  He knew that the world's eyes were on him and he was ready to do work.

I also found another treatment.  I have realized that I am kind of a treatment-whore.  I guess the first step is admitting you have a problem.  Our latest thing is essential oils.  Apparently the regimen for Cerebral Palsy actually involves rubbing frankincense and myrrh on your child.  I figure if it was good enough for Jesus, it is good enough for Dominic.  Makes me wonder if perhaps JC had some spasticity as a baby.  I'd imagine it'd be pretty difficult to fit the essence of God into a little baby.  I think it'd make anyone tight.  Either way, he seems to enjoy the oils, and it has a pleasant tingling sensation that seems to relax his muscles.

On another note, I read that frankincense is good for wrinkles, so naturally I rubbed it on my entire face last night before bed.  Poppa told me I smelled like an Indian temple.  That can't be good for our marriage.  So if you notice that I am looking especially young lately, its likely the frankincense.  It's certainly not from the abundance of sleep I am getting.              

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