Monday, May 6, 2013

Eyes and Fro-yo

This commercial made me smile, so I thought I would share.  It feels good to have special needs shown in such a positive light.  I think so many pregnant women fear having a less than perfectly healthy baby, but its the most incredible thing I have done.  Did I want a baby with special needs?  I wanted Dominic and all the crazy, lovable things that came with him.  Each of my men have given me something I needed in life.  Dominic completed that.

This morning Dominic had his eye exam in Austin.  Apparently, congenital CMV can cause vision problems.  The good news is that there is no scarring in Dominic's eyes so he is capable of 20/20 vision.  However, the doctor estimated that his vision was 20/80 right now or worse. The doctor also said that Dom presents with nearsightedness and an astigmatism which will eventually have to be corrected with lenses. I am not sure why some babies this age get glasses, but our doctor wants us to wait until he is around 3.  Right now he can only guess at his vision, and we could do more harm by giving him the wrong prescription.  At that time, I am going to get him the swaggiest baby glasses there ever were.  I wonder if Burberry makes toddler wear?

But on the positive side, there is visual therapy available for kids of Gommy's age to help him both see better and process what he sees better. At this point, the eye doctor thought his vision problems were primarily neurological.

I was telling my dad how our appointment went, and one of things I prefaced was that I didn't know if we were ever going to get "good" news about Dominic anymore, but in our little world this is good news.  It's funny how life changes sometimes.

While Poppa and Dominic were driving back from Austin, I decided to have a special mommy Vincent date.  We went to get fro-yo, and he loved it!  I let him pick out everything he wanted.  You could tell he felt really special when Mommy let him go pick a chair on his own while she paid.  It was pretty cute.  We had wonderful conversations about the yogurt pictures on the wall and how their TV must be broken "uh-oh tv broken!"  He also informed me that he had again kissed Sadie that day.  I am not sure what to do with that boy!  Then a random white, bald man walked in and Vincent said "Hi Daddy".  At first I thought he was serious, but he was using his "joke voice".  Either way, the entire time the man was there, he kept saying "Hi Daddy, bye daddy" and laughing hysterically.  It was pretty funny.

Also, Gommy had one of his voodoo appointments today.  This was cranial sacral therapy.  The premise behind this is that the therapist uses all the connective tissues in the body to navigate through the body and find blockages.  She then makes the brain aware of the blockages and the brain heals the blockage.  Is that not the biggest load of BS you have ever heard?!  I can't deny that something is going on though.  Today she let Poppa feel while he was releasing a blockage and he sure enough felt lots of heat and trembling.  At some point, I will have to post about the rest of the crazy stuff that's been going on at those appointments.

I am surprised and touched by all the views that my blog has had since making it public.  Feel free to message us, comment or whatever.  We are always here if you have questions about our sweet boy.  We obviously love to talk about him:)


  1. Somehow I'm just now finding out about your blog. I have spent well over an hour reading your updates (case in point, I'm commenting on a post from the beginning of May!). D&S - y'alls love for one another and your boys shines so brightly through your writing. I can only dream right now to have a family half as precious as yours! Miss y'all! Cay

  2. I just found y'all's blog via Mallory's Facebook and have spent the last days reading (stalking) your blog and have to tell you, y'all are the most amazing and graceful parents. I am not sure if this will help or if they even work on infants, but check out Airrosti. It's similar to massage therapy but more intense and seemingly medical. God bless!

    1. It's cool; I'm a blog/FB stalker too:). I have actually never heard of Airrosti, so I will definitely look into that. Thanks!
