Saturday, May 4, 2013

Quack Doctors and Death Threats

Twisty here... My goodness how life has changed in the last few months.  When we got this diagnosis, I think I was pretty naive about what we were about to get into.  Although when you sit down with a doctor and they give you that kind of news, I don't think you can fully fathom any of it.  This beautiful new reality has now become our new normal, and I wouldn't change any of it for a second.

We are at the point now where we are willing to try anything and everything to help our Gommy.  He has anywhere from 2 to 6 appointments in any given week.  We have started trying unconventional therapies which I like to refer to as his voodoo treatments.  We also have an appointment scheduled with a homeopath and eventually I want to get him in to see an acupuncturist.  There are no lengths I would not go to for my sweet baby!  We have actually been seeing some results from Cranial Sacral Therapy.  It is generally recognized by the medical community as completely quacky, but I am starting to think there might be something to it.  We have been noticing slight differences in Gommy after treatments from being more mobil to being able to keep his left hand open which is huge!

I hear a lot of people tell special needs parents that God made them special so they could handle everything that goes along with having a special child.  I also hear most special needs parents say that they are just normal parents who care about their kids.  I disagree.  I think God made me especially suited for this purpose.  My family has long joked that I have a heart of stone, and maybe in some ways I do.   I think this is one of the characteristics that makes me a great special needs mom.  I am able to push my kids further if I know it is what is best for them.  I may be a little insensitive, but when I care about someone I care hard.  There is nothing I would not do for my family.  I mean NOTHING.  People say this all the time, but I actually would cut you if you messed with one of my men.  No, take that back, I would BURY you.  Literally.  Again, I know people say it, but I say it while holding a knife.  Haha, just kidding.

But seriously, dont try me.

I also don't tire easily.  I spend every waking minute that I am home working with Dominic and playing with Vincent.  Once they are asleep  we take care of ourselves and our house.  I now work 8-3 everyday so I can get extra time with them.  I also work Thursdays from 5-10.  I wouldn't trade it for anything.  After seeing my new found determination, Big Poppa told me that Dominic was going to reach amazing potential solely because of the love I had for him.  That stuck with me, and I don't take that statement lightly.  It has become my motto, and I think of it multiple times a day.

A couple of quick updates on my boys.  Dominic is almost sitting up on his own and is playing with toys like crazy.  He still favors his right hand but is using his left hand more (if I force it:)).  Vincent is perhaps the smartest two year old alive.  He speaks in paragraphs.  I don't even know if there is any words he doesn't know.  He not only knows his alphabet, but can also identify all letters in uppercase and lowercase.  He got bored with us quizzing him, so he now quizes me.  Bring it Vincent, Mommy invented the alphabet.  He also knows all his colors and can count up to 20, except for 6.  Never six.  It is the devil's number after all.

The other day, I was taking him to school, and he noticed Gommy wasn't in the car.  He asked, "where did Gommy go?" I said, "Gommy is sick, so Gommy is staying home with Daddy.  Remember when you were sick and stayed home yesterday?"  Vincent said, "Oh, Gommy need medicine, how 'bout that?".  Um, yeah Vincent, how about that!?  How does he learn these things?

I will leave you with one last Vincent conversation since nap time is almost over.
Vincent:  Poppa (insert Poppas actual name here), we need batteries!
Big Poppa and Twisty (looking at each other):  Did he just call you Poppa?
Twisty: Vincent, what is Daddy's name?
Vincent: Poppa
Mommy: Vincent what is Mommy's name?
Vincent: Mommy

That's right Vincent.  I will always be mommy.    

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