Thursday, May 30, 2013

new gadgets!

one thing that no one ever tells you when you first start having kids is that you dont need every single gadget out there. oh sure you might use that bouncer once or twice, but you wont need it, and if you dont have it, you wont miss it.

i think the reason that they do that is that for every family (like ours) who bought a bouncer to console a crying baby and used it twice then put it in the closet, there's another family out there whose kid would only sleep while gently being rocked by a bouncer.

anyways, point being is that we have damn near every single baby gadget known to man. swing? got it. bjorn? got it. bouncer? got it. bumbo? got it. bassinet? yup. pack and play? oh yes--actually we have four of them spread out among grandparents. and every one of these seems mandatory...but if we didnt have them, we wouldnt miss them.

now that our kids are growing up, we're starting to think about what to do with all of these gizmos that we have. and we keep thinking about how we need to declutter and simplify...but with that conversation in the back of your mind, please remember a couple of things about the authors:

1) we are not adults
2) we have issues with impulse control
3) lol no again we are not adults

the other day twisty was looking online and she found a therapy swing called a "wingbo". picture is below:

the swing runs about $250 and twisty thought it would be something good for gommy to have. basically it forces kids on their elbows and tricks them into doing tummy time (dommy can do it, he just chooses not to).  legs go towards the back, elbows on the front.the swing can support up to 50 or so pounds. so we talked about it, and thought, yeah we should think about getting one at some point. the 250 was a sticking point with us because, although we can afford it, as you can imagine we have a decent number of medical it was filed into the category of "would be nice but still need to think about it"

well it stuck with us. until this past week, when, legitimately, we decided to not be rationale and just buy the damn thing. in essence we put our YOLO hats on and took the plunge and bought ourselves a wingbo.

it got here yesterday, and after assembly we put our little stinker in there for him to hang out while we were getting ready...and HOLY CRAP IT IS AWESOME. THIS GADGET IS THE BEST PURCHASE WE'VE EVER MADE.

seriously. he only lasted about 30 minutes or so, but it was 30 minutes straight of him being up on his elbows, head up, legit tummy time which is more than he's ever done. the poor guy was probably pooped after we took it out of him (a good comparison that twisty made is that he probably felt like he had been doing planks for half an hour). and he was happy doing it! it's now going to replace our excersaucer as his go to hang out place every morning and is going to do wonderful things for his neck and trunk strength.

so the moral of the story? sometimes it's fun to buy things that you never knew you always needed. sometimes they are actually the exact damn thing you needed. sometimes it's ok to lack the ability to control your impulses. and lastly, it's been really hard not to use the phrase "schwing bo" in writing this blog.

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