Saturday, August 31, 2013

Blurred Lines

We once referred to our Seattle specialist as the Justin Beiber of neurologists.  It turns out he was more like Miley Cyrus, twerkin' on errbody while they tryin' to sing they song.

We went.  We saw.  We were conquered.  It turns out that it does not actually rain very often in Seattle.  Those are just the tears of all the crying angels.  Or maybe its the tears of puppies.  Either way, its a pretty terrible place.

We went to see the doctor that was supposed to be the best.  Well, maybe he would have been better if he had had a cup of coffee.  He spent half our appointment yawning and the other half telling us all the things our son would never do.  Things like walking, talking, thinking, or eating.  The only good news he gave us was that while Dominic would almost surely have seizures, he may be a good candidate for having the his brain cut in half to stop the seizures.  Well, that's just swell.  Thanks, but I think we will hold out for the medical marijuana treatment of seizures.  This is actually something that is making huge leaps in other states.  They decrease the hallucinogens and increase the cannabis.  It is actually proving very effective for in-retractable seizures, which is typically what comes with our type of PMG.  He did say that because of Dom's area of damage, there was a possibility that puberty could stop the inevitable seizures.  I think we will hold off for that option, Doc.

It was a terrible appointment where we felt that he largely ignored Dominic's current abilities and just gave us the standard textbook terror.  Thanks, Doc, but I won't scare that easily.  He also talked about Dominic's life expectancy.  This is something we never speak of.  We are aware of the realities, but we don't speak of them.  At this point, we have been fortunate to have no real medical problems that can be associated with PMG.  We did get some good recommendations for specialists that we will need to see that could ultimately be crucial to Dominic's treatment if he develops medical problems.

We also got our results back from the CDC to confirm that Dominic's PMG was caused by cytomegalovirus (CMV) while I was pregnant.  If you are not aware of the risks of CMV, you should educate yourself.  CMV is a common virus that 80% of people get.  It is especially common in children under 3.  Once you have it, it never leaves your system (much like chicken pox), so you develop immunity to further infection(typically).  It is a very mild virus.  Except if you are pregnant.  I never even knew that I had it.  There were no symptoms.

Overall, it was a waste of a trip, but we did get our new diagnosis, which is what this guy is really good at.  We went from unilateral PMG (one-sided, almost best case scenario) to bilateral, asymmetrical diffuse PMG including the perisylvian region (aka everywhere, worst case scenario).  The perisylvian region controls the ability to eat and speak, so that was a huge blow to us.  Although, his right perisylvian region is only half damaged.  Based on the fact that he doesn't drool, it appears that his right side may be taking over, so we have hope that he will eventually speak and eat solid foods.  We had always known that Dominic was doing really well for having unilateral PMG; considering he has diffuse PMG, he's clearly not messing around.    

We don't give up that easily and neither does Dominic.  Plus, I don't plan on telling him any of the things he won't do.  I think I'll let him figure that out for himself.


  1. Your intention to be light hearted and expressive about the things your family is dealing with is inspiring to many. I applaud your fight as a mother to ignore the worst info the Docs try to scare you with. When bad things happen that's usually when people find out what kind of fight they have in them. And you darlin' are a fighter. Mama bear has entered the building!
    I just want to encourage you though to really dig in the word of God and use his promises to sustain, strengthen, protect, equip, and give you WISDOM, as well as peace. You guys must rely on him to lead you as you walk this journey out. And as charmingly witty you are, its important you should know, God didn't give your baby these issues. Satan is a liar and he is the one who kills, steals and destroys. Jesus came to give life and give life more abundantly. He walked around healing, redeeming the lost, setting people free. God gave Jesus so we could live abundantly. So you could be better than the Crosbys. The victorious Singhs! Peter 2:24 says by the stripes Jesus took on the cross. You are healed!! Isaiah 53:4-5 he was wounded for our sins, and by his stripes we are healed

    1. 1peter 2:24. Faith is believing without seeing. Jesus is the healer. Let the mama bear in you fight in prayer, authority, faith for his healing while you are treating the symptoms but don't own it. The word is the answer and there are limits to a limitless God. All things are possible to him who believes. There are no limits with God!! Your precious boy is blessed! God bless you. Keep fighting and let The Lord make beauty out of what the enemy try's to take from you.

  2. Thank you for your kind words, but I have to disagree with you to an extent. To say that Satan gave my son CP/PMG means that my son's condition is evil or bad.

    All of our feelings are to the contrary. God put our son, the way that he is, into our life and we could not be more thankful. His "condition" (and i dont even like describing it as that), is part of who he is--and it makes him who he is. To that end, it makes me who I am as a dad, and who Twisty is as a mom. He's enriched our lives in so many ways...and not to mention the journey his older brother has had so far and will have in the future.

    PMG is not the enemy here (despite my earlier posts). It's a part of our sweet Gommy that we are learning to work with. He's already learned, and it's part of who he to say that Satan gave him that "issue" means that a significant part of who my child something unwanted. That's just not the truth.

    I certainly appreciate your sentiment, but we do not love Gommy inspite of his "flaws". His "flaws" allow him to see the world in a way that I will never be able to...and they've inspired our family to love each other deeper, and care for each other more passionately than ever before.

    How could something that has done all that be anything BUT God's work?

  3. Please check out this link. I believe it will bless your family.
    God sent us Jesus so we could live free from oppression in all forms. God is a holy God and gets glory for good not for putting us through pain and suffering. That is the devil.

    We walk around ignorant of the absolute truth that God in the business of healing and miracles. The very fact that your family is resistant to what the Docs say is his future based on his symptoms tells me you don't accept this journey as a blessing. Otherwise you would accept everything the Docs say right?!
    . You have allowed and chosen to be above what this diagnoses says is your future. What is wrong with placing blame on the devil for the limitations or obstacles your son is supposed to have based on pmg. ?
    Yes your family loves more deeply and appreciates more and lives for today. But we are called to do those things anyways so why does pmg get praised for opening your eyes?
    I am not condemning you or saying your baby is bad or unwanted but God creates everyone beautifully and wonderfully. Couldn't you stretch your faith farther to believe God wants Gommy talking, walking, running, living a long life instead of the latter?
    I am simply trying to challenge you to think a little deeper about how God operates and how your faith can moves mountains. (Matt 6:33, mark 11:22-25) god is good. Only good. Nothing bad can come from a perfect and Holy God. So blame has to go somewhere and that is satan.

    Fight back with faith, and grow to his truth and revelation for your family. You are always victorious with God on your side! Don't accept anything but the best life for Gommy (like you are trying to now, just reach a little higher)!
    . I just encourage you to dig in the word and get a revelation that we don't have to accept pain and suffering as apart of Gods plan. Things happen but we can use our faith in Gods power to heal; we just need to be receivers. Faith comes by hearing, hearing the word, meditating on the word, prayer(Hebrews 11).
    I would not want to serve a God that put something potentially life threating on my child just to teach me something. We are taught by his word, corrected by his word, blessed by his word, not in suffering. However we can learn and grow through trials bc we aren't promised a life without trials just a peace and joy through them. The trials the word talks about is persecution about faith, pressure in areas of our life where faith is strengthened. Jesus came and healed the broken. He was the sacrifice to restore us back to God. Would you hurt your baby to teach him? No. Neither would the creator- out Heavenly Father hurt us for his glory. A lot of people disagree bc it's hard to understand why God allows these things to happen and that is something studying his word will reveal. Listening to his uncompromised word.
    Why is it hard to think that a loving God wants to heal instead of rationalizing he would take from us in such a pivotal way? Anyway, I hope and pray for your family as you all walk this out. Blessings to your precious family.
